Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Economic Stimulus Package - and the Fence Industry

Congress passed the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (“Act”). President Obama signed the Act into law on February 17, 2009. The Act provides a series of direct spending and tax incentives for individuals and businesses to jump start the U.S. economy. This $787 billion Economic Stimulus Package includes provisions related to the construction industry.

Here is a good outline of what the Stimulus package can mean to contractors from a CPA firm. http://www.rubinbrown.com/content/view/1298/101/

How does this affect the fence industry? In this weeks FenceBids, we found three bids dealing with the Fence Industry (FenceBids - March 6, 2009). All the jobs were in South Carolina. So the money is beginning to flow.

The government has also launched a new site http://www.recovery.gov/ on this site you can see the breakdown by state where the money will be spent.

What are your thoughts on the stimulus bill? Will it help? Let us know what you're thinking